We feature
several different instruments in kit form:
Designed with the amateur woodworker in mind, Hubbard kit instructions explain in
detail procedures for assembly, decoration, and voicing of the instruments and manage in
the process to impart a great deal of information on the art of antique and modern
instrument making. As much as possible, the details of the original, whether involved with
the production of the sound, the feel of the action, or merely an ingredient of the style
and practice of the period, have been retained.
With patience and diligence, any amateur woodworker can follow the
instructions and produce a thoroughly professional instrument. We have not designed in any
short cuts to make amateur assembly quick or easy, nor have we cut corners in order to
make a cheap "bare bones" instrument. Our hallmark is quality. We inherited it
from Frank Hubbard and we intend to keep it that way. Our always available highly-skilled
technical support is both our and your assurance that your Hubbard instrument will be a
credit to both of us.

The Pre-Cut Kit
All kits start with this version. The Pre-cut Kit contains all items and
materials needed to complete the instrument. Where possible each part is accurately
dimensioned, shaped and tapered as appropriate, with miters, dadoes, rabbets and mortises
cut and joints prepared for gluing. Decorative moldings are cut into all appropriate
parts. Tools required are normal hand woodworking tools (all described in the manual),
about a dozen woodworking clamps, and a solid, level workbench of appropriate size
on which to work (We can help you with the design of an inexpensive suitable bench.) The Pre-cut
Kit is finished by most builders in four to five months of spare time work, probably
about 350 hours.

The Pre-Cut Kit With Case Assembled
All Pre-cut Kits are also available in this version which is offered for
builders with limited time and space. The rim of the instrument (spine, cheek, bentside
and tail) is glued together. The belly rails, wrestplank, nameboard and cap molding are
fitted and glued in, the bottom installed and trimmed, and reinforcing keys are cut and
fitted into the bentside joints. Thus, the builder begins with an accurate and strong
case, the most difficult part of the construction having been completed in our shop. This
version of the kit can be completed in from 250-300 hours.

The Pre-Cut Kit With Case Assembled
And Soundboard Installed
Since it is a matter directly affecting the sound and musical qualities
of the finished instrument, the installation of the soundboard is, in
our view, a most critical part of the construction. At this stage the
soundboard is dried, fitted and marked out for its bridges, hitchpin
rail and ribs. After the soundboard has been tapered, the above parts
are mounted, including a gilded rose where appropriate. The moisture
content of the soundboard is then regulated prior to its installation
in the instrument. After the soundboard has been properly installed,
the hitchpin rail moldings are fitted and glued in place. The case proper
is then finished as if in preparation for painting. This option
reduces the cabinetmaker's task by 40-50 hours and guarantees that all
the work necessary to ensure the instrument's longevity has been accomplished
by a very experienced craftsperson.

The Assembled Case Kit
In this version the Pre-Cut Kit is fully assembled in our shop. The case and frame
assembly is complete, the soundboard installed, and the bridges, nuts, and hitchpin rails
glued into place. All case and accessory hardware is fitted and installed. The builder is
left to complete the musical assembly, voicing and decoration of the instrument.