We offer three harpsichord
Double-manual Kit
have chosen as the prototypes for our French harpsichord kit two instruments
made in Paris in 1769 and 1770 by Pascal Taskin, possibly the most famous
of all 18th century French makers. We made this choice because the mid-18th
century French style harpsichord represents the most successful "general"
purpose instrument. The instrument is suitable to all of the harpsichord
literature of the baroque.
completed kit rewards the builder with a double-manual instrument of
elegant proportion and detail having a range of five octaves, FF-f'''
(61 notes). There are three ranks of jacks and three choirs of strings,
2 x 8', 1 x 4', with a buff stop which can be installed on either the
back 8' choir or the upper-manual 8'. An additional peau de buffle
register with leather plectra can be added to the lower-manual 8' if
the builder chooses. The transposing keyboards are replicas of Taskin's
steel wire normally supplied with our kits is of a lower tensile strength
than modern music wire. Its tensile strength reproduces that of the
wire used in the 18th century and its high flexibility produces a tone
somewhat richer in the lower harmonics and clearer in overall impression
than harder wire.
kits include a trestle stand. However, continental harpsichords in the
mid 18th century were often supported by a set of turned and fluted
legs attached to a low rim or apron. Later the legs were often attached
directly to the bottom of the instrument. We offer the builder the option
of purchasing in place of the trestle stand either a set of Louis XVI
style legs, which can be screwed to the bottom of the harpsichord, or
a Louis XVI apron, fully assembled with decorative moldings and screw-on
legs. Other options are listed in our catalogue and price list.
to the French double kit...
We now have
a demonstration CD of this instrument
available ($10.00 ppd. in U.S.). Please - inquire via our
contact form.
a French Double Description and Price Guide

Single-manual Kit, 18th c. extended range
those builders whose musical requirements are considerable but whose
resources are limited, our Flemish single-manual kit with its bold sound
and unusually large range is ideal. Designed as a small concert harpsichord
with transposing keyboard and a compass capable of performing virtually
the entire baroque literature, the resulting instrument amply rewards
the player with substantial artistic demands. Compact and light, this
harpsichord is practical for the professional on tour and for amateur
ensembles that require frequent moves. For home or institution, professional
or student, we offer no better value.
kit is patterned on an instrument built in Antwerp in 1584 by Hans Moermans.
We have followed the 18th century practice of ravalement and
extended the range of the original from 55 to 58 notes (GG-e''' chromatic).
We have also added a French 18th century scaling. It is disposed with
two eight foot (8') stops and a buff stop.
the French harpsichord kit, the Flemish Single-Manual Kit is available
with a number of options, among them block printed papers (replicas
of traditional Flemish designs) to decorate the interior of the instrument.
to the Flemish single kit...
We now have
a demonstration CD of this instrument
available ($10.00 ppd. in U.S.). Please - inquire via our
contact form.
a Flemish Single (18th c. range) Description and Price Guide

Single-manual Kit, received range

kit will make a careful reproduction of an instrument which carries
the inscription: Moermans Antwerpia 1584. Frank Hubbard was able to
purchase the original from a private collection in Belgium in the 1960’s.
It is one of the few surviving instruments to carry the Moermans name.
Whatever uncertainty there may be concerning the attribution is beside
the point – the instrument is very good, indeed, and a fine example
of a large Flemish single. We have made this design as a finished instrument
many times and have been constantly delighted by the quantity and quality
of sound.
The keyboard has an apparent range of four and one-half octaves extending
from BB (two octaves and one semitone below middle c') up to f''' (two
octaves and a fourth above). It was expected of earlier harpsichords
to achieve an expanded lower range by re-tuning some of the notes in
the bottom fourth. The low BB key is to be tuned to the pitch GG, likewise
the C# is then tuned to AA and the D# to BB. In this way a range of
4 7/8 octaves is achieved at the expense of three little-used chromatic
notes in the bass.
The construction and balancing of the keyboard in this kit are identical
to the original. In a departure from this design’s past offering,
this instrument is intended for the experienced builder. We have computed
and made available a credit for the omission of the parts and hardware
for the stand, lid parts (all solid wood) and music desk. Further, this
is the ideal sort of instrument to fit out with wood jacks and so they
are standard and, yes, some assembly is required. For those who have
been taught to fear wood jacks (and learned too well), a credit is available
for the substitution of Hubbard Delrin jacks as well.
Download a Flemish Single (received
range) Description and Price Guide
