Instruments for Sale

18th c. French double-manual harpsichord after Taskin
Hubbard & Broekman, Boston, 1987

 We have prepared a demonstration CD-R of this harpsichord. The first six pieces listed below (three pieces from the Anna Magdalena Bach Book and the three different recordings of the same Prelude by François Couperin) are available on this page as downloadable excerpts.

The program (24' 45") is:

Three anonymous pieces from the Clavier Book of Anna Magdalena Bach:

Minuet in G (a113, this is the one everybody, but everybody knows) lower 8'

Minuet in G (a115, the other one) upper 8'

Polonaise in g (a119) 2 x 8'

1er Prelude (L'Art de Toucher le Clavecin) - François Couperin
lower 8', upper 8', 2 x 8' in succession

Soeur Monique, Tendrement, sans lenteur (Livre 3, 18th Ordre)

L'Atendrissante, Doulouresement

L'Arlequine, Grotesquement (Livre 4, 23rd Ordre)

Les Satires Chevre-pieds: 1re Partie, Gravement ferme, et pointé;

2de Partie, Vivement, et dans un goût burlesque

Sonata in F, K. 274 - Domenico Scarlatti


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Web Excerpts:

~ A Note About The Files ~
Not all mp3 files are equal! The sound of a harpsichord is particularly difficult to compress satisfactorily. The bit rate we have chosen for these samples is the lowest that reproduces the original recording with negligible loss. On a 28K Internet connection, the shorter sound sample will take over 10 minutes to download. If you have a fast connection (T1, cable modem, DSL) please try the long sample.

Also, please note: Each file has a silent lead-in of approximately a quarter-second.  At the end of each long sample, in order to demonstrate the ring of the instrument, the file runs until the sound of the closing notes dies, sometimes significantly after the dampers have been lowered to the strings, followed by a half-second lead-out of room sound.  Using poor-quality speakers this might seem non-sensical at best, wasteful of bandwidth at worst, but please be assured that each long file contains no more than one second of unmusical silence.  If you listen with good-quality headphones you will be able to discern this characteristic.

~ Problems Playing the File ~
If you cannot play the file through your web browser, PC users with the Microsoft browser can right click on the link, then choose the "Save target" option to download the file, then use an MP3 player (or the Windows media player) to listen to it.


THE minuet, Lower 8'

Long Sample - 1.2 Mb 192 kpbs mp3 file (57 seconds)

Short Sample - 388 Kb 192 kpbs mp3 file (17 seconds)


The OTHER minuet, Upper 8'

Long Sample - 1.4 Mb 192 kpbs mp3 file (64 seconds)

Short Sample - 380Kb 192 kpbs mp3 file (17 seconds)


Polonaise in g, Coupled 8's (2 x 8')

Long Sample - 1.1 Mb 192 kpbs mp3 file (52 seconds)

Short Sample - 376 Kb 192 kpbs mp3 file (17 seconds)


Couperin Prelude, Lower 8'

Long Sample - 1.5 Mb 192 kpbs mp3 file (70 seconds)

Short Sample - 416 Kb 192 kpbs mp3 file (18 seconds)


Couperin Prelude, Upper 8'

Long Sample - 1.5 Mb 192 kpbs mp3 file (67 seconds)

Short Sample - 400 Kb 192 kpbs mp3 file (17 seconds)


Couperin Prelude, Coupled 8's (2 x 8')

Long Sample - 1.5 Mb 192 kpbs mp3 file (68 seconds)

Short Sample - 380 Kb 192 kpbs mp3 file (17 seconds)


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updated: 11/13/03