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Instruments for Sale

18th c. French double-manual harpsichord after Taskin
Hubbard & Broekman, Boston, 1987


18th C. Double-manual harpsichord after Taskin (SS-1)

Range:  61 notes, 5 octaves, FF-f3 chromatic, transposing (a'=415, 440 Hz)

Disposition:  1 x 4', 2 x 8', , upper manual slides in to engage dogs on lower manual, buff stop on lower manual, handstops, Delrin jacks & plectra

Decoration:  The instrument is painted a dark red on the outside and a complementary warm cream white inside, with gilded mouldings and bands. It stands on a red-painted trestle stand.

Length 7' 8"; Width 38"

18th C. Double-manual harpsichord after Taskin (SS-1)

This fine instrument was commissioned from us by a professional pianist/harpsichordist.   It has been used for many concerts around the Albany, NY area.   For all the moving it has endured, the finish is quite fine and belies its age.   Only a few spots of wear are evident and these will be easily repaired.   The instrument likewise displays much less evidence of structural accommodation than one would expect of an instrument of its age.   All in all, to the practiced eye it looks no more than a couple of years old.

The action and sound of this harpsichord are top-notch.   The keys are very little worn and provide a light, responsive action.   The soundboard is made of fine European spruce.   In all its registers this instrument has a strong, pure sound.   This instrument will be equally useful in the living room or the performance hall.   It will not fail to impress!

18th C. Double-manual harpsichord after Taskin (SS-1)The offering price includes all necessary repairs (structural and cosmetic).   The instrument is accompanied by a bench (assembled from a Hubbard kit) painted a matching color, a Cordura protective carrying cover, an electronic tuner (Zen-On Chromatina) and a full set of maintenance tools and supplies.


(SS-1) Sold

Listen To It...
You can hear excerpts from a demonstration CD-R we have prepared of this instrument:

For more information, or to purchase this instrument, please contact Hubbard Harpsichords.

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