Harpsichord Kits

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John G. Seal
French Double-manual kit #2276

San Diego, California.

His comments in letter dated October 24, 1997:

"Sebastian" "I certainly am more than pleased with the very lively and lush sound of the instrument. My instrument, I feel, very favorably compares with any "classically" built instruments that I have played such as Dowd, Wm. Post Ross, Keith Hill, etc. We have the opportunity in San Diego through the San Diego Harpsichord Society to visit local owners' homes for a "potluck and play," so I have been able to play several different types and styles of harpsichords and #2276 does very well, thank you!"

"Building the instrument was a very thrilling experience. It took me about one year to complete it, even though the kit was ordered with the rim and wrestplank assembled. However, having built the instrument, I certainly know how to maintain it! The instrument is very remarkable for holding its tuning. We sometimes travel for a month or more, and find that the instrument is still in tune (except for the treble end of the 4') when we return. I use a Korg MT-1200 tuner and find that I only have to touch up the harpsichord a couple of times a month.... Since the instrument is such fun to play and hear, maintenance sometimes gets delayed. Actually, since it was first put in playing order ( about 1 1/2 years ago), I have not really had to do any regulation on it! It has been a very stable instrument."

"All in all, I am very pleased with the sound, the look, and the attention to the classical detailing that I find on my instrument. I think that it is a wonderful instrument and well worth the time and effort that I put in to create it."

"I have christened it 'Sebestian.'"

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