by Hendrik Broekman
Evidence for establishing pitch standards of the 18th century
indicates that there was no single standard but that most musical performance in the
baroque era took place at pitches lower than A-440 Hz.
Surviving harpsichords are one source from which evidence can be
adduced. When we mount wire analogous to that used by the ancients on our close copies and
pull it up only to find that it will break before it reaches modern pitch, we must think
twice about what pitch we will use as a standard. Another result of pitching a keyboard
instrument at A-440 Hz is a slight penalty in the structural longevity of the case due to
excess stress (12%) imposed by the elevated pitch. Most importantly, we now realize that
instruments sound richer and more sonorous when strung with lower tensile wire similar to
that used by 18th century builders, and when pitched at A-415 Hz or A-392 Hz, one half
tone or one whole tone below A-440 Hz.
The Transposing Keyboard provides a satisfactory compromise suited to
20th century pitch standards, the modernized instruments with which the harpsichord must
play, as well as the more severe physical environments which all centrally heated
buildings impose. Transposition is accomplished by the simple device of sliding the
keyboard sideways to operate a different selection of jacks. This permits the instrument
to play at different pitches without the need for retuning every string.
Today most Hubbard custom built instruments and all Hubbard kits are
designed to be used at A-415 Hz. Transposing keyboards are provided to accommodate use at
modern pitch. Older Hubbard custom instruments can be retrofitted for the Transposing
Keyboard. The cost is US$500. Hubbard kit builders interested in converting their
instruments to transposers (single or double) are encouraged to write for instructions and
parts. Parts required total US$125 for the single-manual kit and US$150 for the
double-manual kit. Instruments from the mid-70's with front guided keyboards will require
special instructions.
For those players and technicians confronted with the Transposing
Keyboard but unfamiliar with its use, the procedure listed below should be followed:
All stops should be turned on so that the dampers help support the jacks
as the key ends pass beneath them. With the manuals coupled, play each note in turn to
insure that the jacks are supported by the dampers. The transposing shim should be tipped
up and pulled out. Supporting the lower end blocks with fingers (especially thumbs) and
being sure that the end keys are not depressed, slide the keyboards slowly to their new
position. Do not force. If the keyboards resist, a jack is caught somewhere, usually in
the lowest or topmost set. This requires that the jack rail be taken off and the jack
freed by lifting it up. Replace the transposing shim in the other side. The instrument
should be tuned to A-415 in low position. It should be transported with the action in low
position (i.e., with the transposing shim at the treble end).