Range: 50
notes, GG/BB-c3, bass short octave, non-transposing. Strung
entirely in brass and pitched at a' = 415 Hz, non-transposing.
Disposition: 1
x 4', 2 x 8', upper manual slides in to engage dogs on lower manual,
handstops, Wood jacks & feather plectra
Decoration: French-walnut veneered case finished in clear
padding lacquer, parchment 3-tiered rose by Werner Iten.
Ebony naturals, boxwood sharps, trefoil-carved key
fronts. It rests on a French-walnut
balustre stand.

88" length , 30 1/2" width.
This instrument started life as Frank Hubbard's last design, one he never had a
chance to see made. This instrument was built in the years just
following Frank's death by the Hubbard shop as an homage. It has been recently rebuilt with a less extreme scaling - one that allows it to be tuned to a'=415Hz. Its sound
falls between that of Italian and Flemish instruments - just the thing
for Froberger, Louis Couperin, et. al. Sound samples soon to follow - please check back.
The range is small
but much more useful than one might otherwise imagine.
(MC-1) Offering price