John Nargesian, Op. Posth.,
Finished at the Hubbard shop in 1999
Range: 60 notes, 5 - octaves, FF-e
chromatic, transposing two semitones (a' = 392- 415 - 440 Hz)
1 x 4', 2 x 8', upper manual slides in to engage dogs on lower manual, handstops, Delrin jacks & plectra. . Narrow, flat-headed tuning pins.
The case is lacquered - black exterior, red interior,
gilded bands and moldings. The key surrounds are papered. The natural keys are covered in bone, accidentals in ebony. The stand, in lacquered walnut, is based on designs found at Sans Souci and is visually a knock-out.
Length 7' 6 1/4"; Width 37 1/2"
This case and stand were left largely complete in John Nargesian's shop at his death. From the evidence of the wrestplank, it was intended to be a triple-transposer. The design of the instrument and the installation of the soundboard represent, oddly enough, a rather older practice than the date on the soundboard (1995) would indicate and, consequently, it has a clear, discreet, somewhat piquant sound that would not be particularly successful in larger concert venues but should delight in the living room and in chamber music.
Offering Price:
(JN-1) Offering price: $15,000 (was $20,000)
For more information, or to purchase this instrument,
please contact Hubbard Harpsichords.