after Michel Richard (1688)
Harpsichord after Ioannes Goermans (1748)
after Henry Hemsch (1746?)
available as custom instruments only)
after Pascal Taskin (1769/1770)
(Available as a custom instrument and in kit form)

Taskin French Double-manual with trestle
more idiomatic music was written for the harpsichord than by French
composers of the 17th and 18th centuries. The harpsichords for which
this marvelous body of music was composed were superb, and the products
of the Parisian workshops were prized throughout Europe. There is nothing
in the literature of the harpsichord which cannot be successfully performed
on these instruments with their singing treble, fluty tenor and rich
bass sonorities.
late 17th century was a time of flux in French harpsichord making. The
earlier native school of building was going out of fashion as the wealthy
cast covetous glances at Ruckers harpsichords that had been enlarged
with the increased range of contemporary composers such as d'Anglebert,
Jacquet de la Guerre and Marchand in mind. One could hardly blame a
prominent maker such as Michel Richard for making an instrument closely
modeled on the Ruckers design and then passing it off as a Ruckers.
This is just what he seems to have done in 1688. The instrument we offer
on this model (the original does not currently play) is designed to
be pitched at a'=392Hz, one whole tone below modern pitch. The sound
is dry and incisive as one might expect from the smaller case but still
dark and rich, much like the larger models of the second quarter of
the 18th century that designs such as this helped spawn. Our 17th
c. French double after Richard can be built to play at a'=415 Hz with
no loss of sonority. More details may be found in the downloadable
offering sheet.
of our 18th c. French double-manual harpsichords possesses a typical
mid-late 18th c. range and is disposed with three ranks of jacks and
three choirs of strings, 2 x 8', 1 x 4', with a shove coupler. The various
details are listed in the appropriate downloadable
offering sheet.

Goermans French Double-manual with cabriole
instrument on this page is offered painted in a traditional French style,
with contrasting interior and exterior colors reconciled by gold leaf
bands on case and lid and gilded mouldings. Each is supplied with a
simple trestle stand. Apron stands of various appropriate styles are
available at additional cost. If desired, the soundboard and wrestplank
may be decorated in 17th or 18th century French style.
double-manual harpsichords (except Taskin) – Offering
double-manual harpsichord after Taskin – Offering

Hemsch double-manual
harpsichord in original decoration (Sheridan Germann)